What is MarcPro?

Marc Pro is a cutting-edge EMS device that delivers the most effective muscle recovery available. This technology creates non-fatiguing muscle activation, which is scientifically proven to enhance each stage of the muscle recovery process. Marc Pro makes it easy to recover faster, perform at your best, and keep your body healthy and active for the future.

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Who can benefit from MarcPro?

Marc Pro is trusted by professional, collegiate, and recreational athletes, but anyone can benefit from using the device.

What happens during a MarcPro treatment?

Electrical Muscle Stimulation, also known as E-Stim, or EMS, uses electrical impulses to cause muscles to contract, which in turn helps your muscles become stronger. Your muscles naturally contract in response to electrical signals sent from your brain.

Other benefits include:
– May improve joint pain and swelling.
– Prevents and reveres muscle atrophy (loss of muscle mass/tissue)
– Enhances rehabilitation of muscles.
– Increases the range of motion for tense muscles or tendons.
– Reduces stress and discomfort.
– Improves blood flow and circulation.

15-minute individual treatment + a set of electrodes that we keep in our facility for you when you need them. One set of electrodes will get you approximately 20 MarcPro treatments.
-Free with all memberships with a purchase of electrodes that we keep in our facility for you when you need them. One set of electrodes will get you approximately 20 MarcPro treatments.